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I would play it but you earn so little money you should fix that

ill see what i can do

I added a few more enemies in the first 10 waves so you can farm more money easily and get more towers earlier. If you play the game again, please let me know if it is still too little.

(5 edits)

I played some more and here's what I think:

Im getting overwhelmed a bit with more enemies now

an idea I had to fix this easily could be a speed-up button. You can just increase the game's fps. Id make parts of the game go faster to

Or you can also give wave complete bonuses

I also had a negative lives and couldn't loose

I think you should add a really beefy enemy in the game more earlier on since I could spam splash towers easily

If you'd like you can try out my game dot TD hardly anyone plays it so its whatever. If you are gonna play it you can press space to speed up the game since no one plays it.

thanks for the tip, ive been thinking about how to speed up the game. as for the lives, i just finished working on a simple game over and victory screen. ill check out your game, thanks for checking out mine

Hey I just finished a run in dot TD and I think its a pretty cool game! I got to wave 105 and overall it was pretty fun. 

Only thing I can say is that maybe you could change the font so its a bit more readable, and you could also change the icon of the game from the gamemaker one into an original icon. Nice game! 

Thanks,  Im willing to try out your game once you fix up some things. And if you had fun you can try out hard mode also or sandbox mode that's in the tutorial for how to use it.

hey, I just finished what is probably the final build for my game, and I believe its in a playable state now for the most part. I'd appreciate it if you would check out the latest version, but thanks again for the feedback and for playing my game.